The Playbook

Everything you want to know about the Wellspring Network can be found within our Church Planting Playbook.



Regardless of the field, an apprentice is passionate about their trade and are willing to work, risk, and humble themselves to learn and grow. A church planting apprentice is responding to God’s call to plant a church and has chosen to take a period of time to mature his competencies and character under the leadership of the Wellspring Network.

This position is designed to fulfill a twofold purpose. The first purpose is to further clarify the leaders calling into church planting. The second purpose is to allow Wellspring Network the opportunity to see if the Apprentice is called to plant with the network. Regardless, the ultimate goal is to see the Kingdom of God come through vigorous planting of new churches by a planter who has a crystal calling to plant gospel centered churches.

You can learn more about Apprenticeships with the Wellspring Network in our Apprenticeship Playbook.


The time between receiving a clear call to plant a church and launching a church can be a daunting season for a church planter. The Wellspring Network Residency serves to help planters successfully navigate this season by providing support, wisdom, prayer, strategic planning, and potential funding. The National American Mission Board estimates that church plant survivability goes up 250% when the Planter has had intentional Leadership development and training.

During the residency the church planter will:

-Be on the ground in the target neighborhood/suburb building relationships, listening and learning, and praying
-Clarify the vision, mission and strategy for planting the church
-Recruit and develop prayer partners
-Work on raising financial support for first two years
-Cultivate relationships with the unchurched in the target area
-Start to gather a launch team (type of team based on chosen strategy)
-Lead and pastor the launch team
-Ensure that key admin responsibilities are being completed in preparation for launch/sending.
-Participate in Network meetings and share some responsibilities within the Network

You can learn more about Residencies with the Wellspring Network in our Residency Playbook.